The Dormant Metabolism

The Dormant Metabolism

The obesity rate continues to surge throughtout the world and there are many reasons why this is transpiring. Youngsters and adults are presently exercising less than ever before, the probable cause of this is probably technology. Why go outside and play tennis when you can sit and play on your Ipad or Wii. 

A persons metabolism controls the pace at which food is processed through their system. Some people are genetically lucky with a super metabolism. Typically males have faster metabolisms than females. 

While you are young and exercising and eating correctly your metabolism should be working optimally. Unfortunately, some people will rapidly gain weight if their metabolism stops working correctly. One of the causes of a dormant metabolism is Hypothyroidism, which will cause your metabolism to almost completely shut off and make you increase weight quickly. 

Another reason why obesity is becoming a problem is because of people’s eating patterns. Nowadays, people eat greater proportion sizes than they did in the past. Additionally, people are now eating less vegetables and more unhealthy food. These are all sensible reasons why people are getting more fat, however an commonly overlooked reason why people are getting obese is the dormant metabolism. 

You have probably realized by looking around that old people are usually more fat than youngsters and this is because of their metabolism slowing down. As you age your metabolism pace will slowly diminish, starting when you turn about 40 years old.

1)You never get hungry: 

Something is surely wrong with your metabolism if you go a whole day without ever feeling hungry. Normally|Typically|Oftentimes} your body will signal to you and tell you it’s hungry after 2 or 3 hours without food.  

Shown below are some ways you can tell that your metabolism isn’t working right:

2)Becoming a night time eater:

Your body is telling you aren’t consuming enough food in the day if you start getting hungry late at night. Keep your metabolism working throughout the day by eating small snacks the whole day otherwise it will just be dormant and cause you to gain weight. 

You should go to a physician right away if you feel that your metabolism is dormant and isn’t working correctly. They should easily be able to find other reasons why it might not be working correctly. They may also be able to give you with tips on how to speed up your metabolism. 


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